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Viva La Strada! Three Great Road Trips in Italy

Picture this: the wind whips through your hair as you coast along the open road, taking in the scenery of picturesque Italy outside your open window as you navigate past.

This dream can soon be your next great adventure! Not only is Italy a fabulous destination for its amazing food and unparalleled fashion scene, but it has some amazing options for charming trips through the country’s most beautiful regions. Here are our favourite routes for the ultimate road trip through Italy.

Top Tip: Be sure to read up on how to snap great travel photos while you’re out on the road!

The Amalfi Coast

There’s no better way to discover the Italian Sorrento Peninsula than by cruising along the Amalfi Coast. From Salerno, head west to make your way towards Sorrento and the nearby Mount Vesuvius. (This is not a trip to take without car hire excess insurance, as the sharp and twisting coastal highways can prove to be challenging for even the most experienced drivers!).

Along the journey, you’ll discover towns like pretty little Vietri sul Mare known for its pottery, mountainous Ravello where you can grab some delicious and authentic pizza and picturesque Positano, a photo-worthy gem of a place where brightly-coloured abodes perch precariously along the rocky shoreline. End your tour of the Amalfi Coast in sunny Sorrento, an exciting hub for tourism.


Take a road trip across the illustrious island of Sicily, located off the “boot” of Italy in the Mediterranean Sea. Beginning in Catania, you can coast along to nearby Syracuse where you’ll discover ancient artefacts and historical ruins. Along the route is beautiful Ortygia, decorated with Baroque architecture and impressive landmarks.

Keep driving to see the UNESCO World Heritage Site of Noto, and satisfy your sweet tooth with mouth-watering handmade chocolates in the town of Modica. There’s plenty to see and explore in Sicily, and with an abundance of historical sites and coastal restaurants to try, you’ll have plenty of options for what you’ll discover along your travels.

Lake Garda & Lake Como

Two of Italy’s largest lakes serve as the perfect locations to scout out the beauty that is Italy’s northern region. Lake Como, not far from the country’s Alpine border with Switzerland, is one of the area’s most popular attractions. The villas bordering the lake are home to sweeping classical gardens, plenty of options for fine dining, and a photo-worthy historical district in the town of Como.

Head eastwards to reach Lake Garda, Italy’s largest lake and an equally-charming area to the one near Lake Como. Here’s the perfect locale to try out your travel photography, since the region’s crystal-clear waters and beautiful villas provide poignant subjects for snapping photos. Nearby Verona, Trento and Brescia are great places to explore as you drive through the Alpine region of Italy.

Before You Go

One last thing before you pack your bags: don’t forget your car hire excess insurance. No matter how experienced you are at driving, sometimes accidents do happen when you’re out on the road. Avoid paying hefty fees for life’s unexpected moments when you purchase car hire excess insurance with your next rental. Better safe than sorry, after all!

Now that you’ve planned your itinerary and your bags are packed, it’s time to head for the open road. Buon viaggio! Don’t hesitate to contact us if you need any further information about excess insurance.


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